My own world...我的世界。: Final Post....i think...

Sunday, 8 November 2009

Final Post....i think...

Sunday,8 November 2009 Fine

Wow today i woke up at 2:30pm
clap clap
currently posting my <Title>
Actually tomorrow want go out one
then i found out...
just hope i could stay longer...
today might just be my last...
Everyone dun have to miss me =D
Cause i found out i got a disease
"Overweight Vacant Ebony's Ribs Startled Enabling Appretoxic(i think)"
Like most of you might not know
but this disease is curable when it is found out earlier
i am so happy to be with you guys...
last quote till i leave
"Treasure your love one...if not,by then you realized,it is too late and they are not with you anymore"

-JunShun(Final Posted)